Friday, February 13, 2009

My Valentine's Day gifts

Every year my kids get a deck of playing cards from the Valentine's Day Fairy. She happens to heart attack their doors during the night and leaves them something sweet and a small gift, usually a deck of playing cards. Well, after years of doing this and throwing out half decks of cards because no one will claim them AND having too many decks of playing cards the Valentine's Day Fairy hit upon a great idea! This year she (not sure if she is a she) is going to give them something that won't get lost and if they don't know whose it is--it will be obvious. Take a look for yourself and see if you can't tell who might "own" these cards!
Project: Play Cards 
Membership: Premier 
Design: original
Retail: $25/each

"She" also decided not to make them face cards, because we have enough of those in the house but just cards. Hopefully the people in the house will realize there are 52 weeks in the year and 52 cards. (Well, there are 54 cards--if you count the jokers--and of course I--I mean she--couldn't resits making 54 cards!) Can't wait to see what she does next year! Now of course she hasn't delivered these since it is still only the 13th of February, but she let me in on the secret early. ~smile~
Take a look at these projects:
The inspirational thoughts are mixed up from deck to deck so no one person will have the same thought on the same weeks as someone else--well at least that was the plan, we'll see how well the Valentine's Day Fairy really did.
Also, Steve's cards are a bit different. They are reasons why I love him. I'm so giddy with anticipation--CAN'T IT BE MORNING ALREADY!

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