I grew up in Richland, Washington. This little town is known for sun. It is ever present. I don't recall many rainy days and if it did rain the sun would dry the ground quickly. The sun would peak up over the church across the street from my house. I can still see the rays coming through our lace curtains making a glare on the mirror over our piano. It would take its sweet time to set behind the houses behind my yard. I remember watching the sky turn a rainbow of colors as the rays hung on to the day. Even when I moved I knew the pattern of the sun over my house. I knew that every day the sun would shine through the front window.
The sun mean hope, happiness and fun. My life growing up was full of hope, happiness and fun because my mom made sure it was, just like the sun that came every day. My mom is like that setting sun giving us hope in a new day but making sure that the day we had was full.
My daughter is like the rising sun, full of energy, hope and fun. She is ready to take on the day when her feet hit the ground. She is my rising sun.
Three weeks after attending a family reunion I was called to my mother's bedside as she struggled for life. My brothers and I sat beside her her last few days and shared memories of days long ago. We cried. We laughed. We loved. What wonderful memories we have.
My children help me make new memories each day. One day, I hope in the far distance, they are gathered around my bedside laughing, crying and loving each other as they recall the memories we made as a family.
I'm a Heritage Maker because there are Sunshine Memories to be recalled and shared.
I'm a Heritage Maker because there are Sunshine Memories to be made and treasured.
The past is just as important as the future. Do not let today slip by and become your past without filling it with sunshine and memories.
Make sunshine memories with your children today. Sunshine memories that they will recount as they stand around your bedside many years from today and hold your hand, laughing, crying and loving you.
Thanks Mom!
Thanks Jessie!
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