I've been scanning all our family photos. I've made some 20,000 photos now digital. I'm still finding photos that need to be scanned and a few that need to be rescanned. I'm so relieved to have that project out of the way.
For those clients, family and friends who are close enough, please think about your peace of mind and get those photos scanned. I have one of the finest scanners available. I have the Kodak S1220 that scans 30 photos in less than a minute. I kid you not! It is hard to keep up with it. It also crops them to the edges of the photo so you have very little retouching to do, if any!
The price break down is:
0-99 scans $.39 a scan
100-499 scans $.29 a scan
500+ scans $.10 a scan
What a deal! You truly can't beat it. I guess if you have your own flat bed scanner but it will take you HOURS to scan what I can scan in minutes. It takes 6 hours to scan 100 photos on a flat bed, and I can do them in only 20 minutes! Think of the time saving and I'm sure your time is more valuable than that!
Drop me an email at doreen at blandingonline dot com or call me at 425-861-0494 and set up your scanning appointment today. You can drop them off or stay if you like.
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